EUR2019 – Day 11 – Chester to Inverness

Chester, England to Inverness, Scotland

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Yeah, yeah, I know, I’ve fallen behind on the blogs again. Couldn’t get the wifi to work properly in my Chester hotel, and while I could tether the laptop to the phone, it wasn’t really a good speed for uploading the photos I generally add to the entries. Plus I had some logistical stuff to work out that I’d been neglecting. Currently on the train to Inverness and mobile reception is a bit spotty, so I’m taking the opportunity to catch up on them! 

Had a slightly earlier start today, as I had to check out of the hotel and catch my first of 3 trains at 0852 from Chester. This is where train travel shines – no airport security to plan for, just rock up and hop on. And train stations tend to be in the middle of cities as well (given that trains have been around a bit longer than planes!), so you don’t have that transfer out to the airport to deal with as well. It was nice to check out of the hotel at 0830, and still have time to get some breakfast before the train! I tend to start my day a bit later usually, both to give places I want to see a chance to open, and to let the peak hour rush of people getting to work slow down. Luckily, there weren’t too many people on the train, so I was able to get a seat and my backpack didn’t cause any issues. 

Had a whopping 8 minutes to change trains at Warrington Bank Quay, which was plenty of time, as my train to Edinburgh was on the next platform over, about a dozen steps or so away. This was where the extra money I’d forked out for a first class Eurail pass came in handy – the Virgin trains First Class carriages are nice and spacious, and you get free food too! Lunch was a bacon roll, with a cookie and chocolate for dessert. It’s a nice smooth ride as well, and before I knew it we were in Edinburgh. 

I’d have to say Edinburgh is one of my favourite cities, although part of that might just be that it’s in Scotland, one of my favourite countries! Luckily for me, I had an hour between trains this time, and Edinburgh Waverley has a left luggage office, so I dropped off my backpack and went to hike up the Royal Mile to Edinburgh Castle. I’ve done that walk a couple of times during my stays in Edinburgh, and there was no way I was doing it with a backpack! 

During the walk I was trying to figure out why there were so many tourists around clogging up the footpaths, and then I realised that the last time I was there was in February rather than September, so of course there would be more people around now! Also, when I got to the top of the Mile I discovered they were still deconstructing all the scaffolding from the Edinburgh Military Tattoo two weeks or so ago. They must have it down to a fine art by now, but it’s still amazing to watch, as it’s extremely sturdy scaffolding, and this time I noticed that it actually bolts into the ground, though the mounting points are inset into the ground and usually covered over, which I guess is why I’d never noticed it before! 

Was a very quick visit to the Castle, and then back down to the station to grab my bag, grab a quick lunch and then board my 3rd and final train for the day, from Edinburgh to Inverness. Also the longest train of the day, as we left Edinburgh at 1333 and aren’t due in to Inverness til almost 3.5 hours after that. Started off nicely though with a free snack and drink – perks of first class travel! And we’re going to be travelling through the highlands, so the scenery should be quite something. 

The rest of the trip went just fine, and the scenery was definitely quite something – I love the highlands. Made it to Inverness on time, and it was only a short walk to my hotel. I haven’t really planned things properly this time, so I don’t have much time to look around the city, and my Rabbie’s tour leaves at 0800 tomorrow morning, so I guess I’ll just have to come back here some time. I’ve actually passed through Inverness a couple of times already, so one day I’ll definitely have to stay longer. I did make a quick stop at the hotel I’ll be staying at for one night after the tour, to drop off a bag of things I won’t need in the Orkneys. Seemed pointless to carry them around if I didn’t have to! 

Then it was a quick walk around the city, some dinner, and then back to the hotel (with proper working wifi!) to edit and post these entries and then hopefully get some sleep! 

As I said, tomorrow I’m off to the Orkney Islands for a 3 day tour, arriving back late Sunday afternoon. I’m not sure if the B&B’s I’ll be staying in have wifi or not, and I have no idea if I’ll have mobile coverage or not, so I may have a heap of entries to catch up on when I get back – we’ll see!