EUR2019 – Day 2 – Dubai to London

Dubai, UAE to London, UK

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

In a rare occurrence, Emirates had actually changed my seat on me – ended up right over the week in front of a bulkhead. Not the best seat, if I’m honest, as I didn’t have much space to recline and being right over the huge wing of the A-380 I didn’t have much of a chance to see anything! And this flight was all in daylight too! Ah well. 

The flight it self went fine, I managed to get a bit more sleep and watch a couple of movies, and before I knew it we were landing in London! 

I’d brought my old Oyster card (the contactless card that London uses for it’s public transport system) with me, even though I wasn’t sure if it would still work, since it’s at least 4.5 years since I’ve used it, and I may have even had it for longer. Luckily for me though, not only did it still work, but it still had £8 on it, which covered my trip to Paddington station. 

Checked into the hotel just fine, it’s only about 2 minutes walk from the station. Had a much-needed shower after more than 24 hours of travel, and then headed out to stretch my legs and have a look at the city that’s almost like a second home for me. 

In hindsight, I may have overdone it, as I ended up walking about 6km or more, but I got to see the highlights and definitely stretched my legs. Also it meant that I crashed and slept well after getting back to the hotel, which is why you’re getting both blog entries on Wednesday morning (for me) instead of the usual night time ones. Hopefully I’ll be back on schedule from now on. 

Not much else to say, as I think most of the photos speak for themselves, so hopefully I’ll have more to write tomorrow.